In order to curb corruption effectively, the national anti-money-laundering regulation should be fully utilized and make good use of the international and domestic anti-money laundering regimes. Internationally, the anti-money-laundering laws of various countries in the world are formulated with reference to FATF (Financial Action Task Force) recommendation 40 + 9. But many may not be aware that the 40 + 9 recommendation is not the international law basis for anti-money laundering. Basis of international law on money-laundering is actually the UN convention against corruption, the UN model law on money laundering, and the five international conventions on combating drugs, fighting terrorism and combating transnational organized crime. The five conventions are binding on each State party. In this sense, anti-money laundering is both an internal need in China and an international obligation that must be fulfilled, and it has a natural link with anti-corruption. UN conventions, FATF recommendations and our laws are clear