著名社会工作学者弗雷德·鲍威尔(Fred Powell)于2001年出版的《社会工作政治学》(The Politics of Social Work)①,虽至今尚未有中文翻译版面世,但其思想和观点却在社会工作学术界有着持久的影响力。该书从后现代社会对社会工作的诸多挑战和责难入手,提出“后现代社会:社会工作会终结吗?”的疑问,同时,作者综合了以往诸多学者的观点,建构了“历史—当代”的分析范式,以社会工作在历史和当代发展脉络下的特征和实践,来回应或应对后现代社会对社会工作的质疑和
The famous social work scholar Fred Powell’s The Politics of Social Work, published in 2001, has not yet been translated into Chinese, but his ideas and opinions are still in the society. Working academics have lasting influence. The book begins with the many challenges and censures of social work in postmodern society and puts forward the question of “postmodern society: will social work end?”. At the same time, the author synthesizes the views of many scholars in the past and constructs “history - contemporary ”analysis paradigm, with the characteristics and practice of social work under the context of history and contemporary development, to respond to or respond to the post-modern social work questioned and