The crystal structure of MBILF-BTRY was successfully solved by molecular displacement method, and its three-dimensional structure model was obtained. Mung bean trypsin inhibitor belongs to the most complex Bowman-Birk type inhibitor of serine protease inhibitors. The three-dimensional structure of this type of inhibitor has not been previously reported. The unit cell parameters of the MBILF-BTRY complex crystal are a = 62.99, b = 63.54, c = 69.70, α = β = γ = 90 °, space group P2_12_12_1, and the complex molecular weight is about 27500daltons. The independent diffraction spots with resolution of 3 were collected from 5142 Ru-300 X-ray machines and AFC-5 four-Park diffractometer. The coordinates of the bovine trypsin molecule obtained from the protein database are