2004年11月18日,江阴长江500 kV大跨越输电工程一次性投运成功,从而大大加强了华东电网主网架结构,提高了电网的安全性和可靠性,为田湾核电站电力的安全、可靠送出提供了有力保障,并为缓解华东电网用电紧张的局面创造了务件。 该工程是江苏500 kV输变电工程的重要项目和连云港田湾核电站配套送出工程之一,是泰州500 kV泰兴变电站至无
November 18, 2004, Jiangyin Yangtze 500 kV long-span transmission project a one-time operation, which greatly enhanced the main grid structure of East China Power Grid to improve the safety and reliability of the power grid for Tianwan Nuclear Power Station power safety, Reliable delivery has provided a strong guarantee, and to ease the tension in East China Power Grid has created a situation. The project is an important project of 500 kV transmission and transformation project in Jiangsu and Lianyungang Tianwan nuclear power plant supporting the delivery of one of the project is Taizhou 500 kV Taixing substation to no