1 亲本来源及引种经过翠峰属欧美杂种,四倍体,原产日本。由日本福冈县农业综合试验场园艺研究所育成,亲本为先锋×森田尼。1975年杂交,1988年入选编为福冈1号,参加日本全国品种区试,编为葡萄农林13号,1995年育成定名为翠峰,1997年获日本品种登录(登录号5075号)。从育种的系谱来看翠峰葡萄应属巨峰系欧美杂交种,但其中欧亚种的血缘成份较高。
1 source and introduction of the parent after the European and American hybrids Tsui peak is tetraploid, native to Japan. By Japan Fukuoka Agricultural Experimental Field Horticulture Institute bred parents Pioneer × Morita. 1975 hybrid selected in 1988 as Fukuoka No. 1, to participate in the national variety test in Japan, compiled for the grape agriculture 13, in 1995 bred as Cui Feng, in 1997 by the Japanese species registration (accession number 5075). From the pedigree pedigree Veronica Feng should be European and American hybrids Jufeng Department, but the higher blood components of Eurasian species.