马长华农友及兴付村互助会全体会员: 你们好!首先多谢你们2月25日的来信,我们再三传阅,也复印给温铁军老师、黄平老师及杂志社的同仁,大家深受鼓励!。 举办中国乡建书院第一期的培训班,固然是我们关注三农问题,希望与学生、农友交流切磋,并借鉴外国经验,看看怎样可走出一条希望之路。培训班公开招生,学员来自五湖四海,有
Ma Changhua farmers and Hing Fucun mutual fund members: Hello! First of all, I thank you for your letter of February 25, which we circulated again and again, and also to Wen Tiejun’s teacher, Huang Ping’s teacher and magazine colleagues, and everyone was greatly encouraged! . Although it is our concern for agriculture, rural areas and farmers that we hold the first training course for the Chinese Academy of Rural Construction, we hope that we can exchange ideas and experiences with our students and farmers and draw lessons from foreign experiences to see how we can get out of a path of hope. Training courses open enrollment, trainees from all over the world, there