
来源 :半导体光电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edisonye
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针对单微粒散射光信号弱、脉宽窄的特性,设计了一种低噪声宽动态范围光电检测电路。首先对单微粒散射光脉冲检测原理进行了分析;然后根据散射光脉冲信号特征对检测电路进行了设计;最后搭建了实验系统并对检测方法性能指标进行了评估。实验结果表明:设计的电路带宽为1.5kHz~1.2MHz,总输出噪声的均方根值为3.51mV,计算结果与实验结果基本一致,误差为3.33%。该光电检测电路能够有效地对微弱的散射光信号实现低噪声放大,为后续处理提供了稳定的信号。 Aiming at the characteristics of weak signal and narrow pulse width of single-particle scattering optical signal, a low noise wide dynamic range photoelectric detection circuit is designed. Firstly, the principle of single-particle scattering light pulse is analyzed. Then, the detection circuit is designed according to the characteristics of the scattered light pulse signal. Finally, an experimental system is set up and the performance of the detection method is evaluated. The experimental results show that the designed circuit bandwidth is 1.5kHz ~ 1.2MHz and the root mean square value of the total output noise is 3.51mV. The calculated results agree well with the experimental results, with an error of 3.33%. The photodetector circuit can effectively amplify the weak scattered light signal with low noise and provide a stable signal for subsequent processing.
胡杨与沙漠对峙长达亿万年,在这堪称天敌的两者之间,生息着古老而又坚毅的罗布人。  塔里木河两岸生长着世界上面积最大的胡杨林,约占中国胡杨林的百分之八十。在布满胡杨林的大漠深处,繁衍生息着一个古老的部落罗布人,他们与世隔绝,守望胡杨,以取野麻为衣,与沙漠抗争,一代又一代孤寂原始地生活着,上世纪初国际探险家发现后,引起了世界的轰动。有关罗布人的传说很多,近日,怀着探奇的念头我走进了这个胡杨林深处的罗布