“李争是让人满意的队员。”——李应发语李争在绿茵场上伴随着那黑白相间的足球度过了近20个春秋寒暑。虽说他到了而立之年,但身上仍充溢着一个足球队员的青春活力,看不到“老化”的迹象。足球场下的李争,瘦削的脸上有几分清秀,粗悍的身体也不很粗壮,很难想象他竟是“东北虎”中的一员虎将,“八连冠”得主的主要功臣。他和你在赛场上看到的拼抢凶猛、劲力的射门的那个人简直判若两人。 1984年,在昆明东拓体育场,京、辽二队在“火车头杯”赛对阵,眼看临近终场要握手言和。可就在球迷欲起身离席之际,辽队一名队员身着红装,在中圈附近,突然拔脚怒射,球疾如流星闪电飞向京队大门。“进了!”观众席上顿时响起一阵惊呼声。可瞬息间,又沉寂下来,明明望见球打入门中,怎么滚落在门网之外了呢?裁判以“事实”为准,见球在网外,便判此球无效。这一球使李争成为名噪一时的“李争之谜”。但事实是那一球穿破网窝飞了出去。这是继我国足球名宿“孙铁腿”之后又一射穿球网的铁脚队员。
“Li Zheng is a satisfactory player.” - Li Ying Li Yu arguing in the pitch along with the black and white football spent nearly 20 spring and summer. Although he was in the thirties, but still filled with a young football player’s vitality, do not see the signs of “aging.” Li Zheng under the football field, thin face a bit handsome, tough body is not very thick, it is hard to imagine that he was actually a member of the “tiger” tiger, “eight consecutive championships,” the main contributor . He and you on the pitch to see the fight to grab the ferocious, strong shot of the man who simply played two. In 1984, Kunming East Extension Stadium, Beijing, Liaoning team in the “Locomotive Cup” match against seeing the final game to shake hands. Just when the fans want to get up and out of seats, a member of the Liao team dressed in red, in the vicinity of the ring, sudden anger blew shots, ball disease like meteor lightning flew to Beijing team door. “Into the audience!” Suddenly a burst of exclamations. Can be a twinkling of an eye, but also quiet down, obviously see the ball into the door, how to get out of the gate outside it? The referee to the “fact” prevail, see the ball in the net, then sentenced the ball is invalid. This ball made Li Zheng a famous “mystery of Li Zheng”. But the fact is that the ball pierced the nets fly out. This is the second footballer who shoots through the net after China’s football legend “Sun Tie Legs.”