Dual-wavelength synchronously mode-locked Tm-doped bulk laser with terahertz frequency beating

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A dual-wavelength synchronously mode-locked homogeneously broadened bulk laser operating at 1985.6 and 1989 nm is presented for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, which delivers a maximum output power of 166 mW and a repetition rate of 85 MHz. The pulse duration was measured to be 16.8 ps by assuming a sech2 pulse shape. The recorded autocorrelation trace showed frequency beating signals with an interval of 3.8 ps and a full width at half-maximum duration of 2 ps, corresponding to an ultrahigh beating frequency of about 0.26 THz, which agrees well with the frequency difference of the emitted two spectral peaks. The results indicated that such a kind of dual-wavelength mode-locked Tm:YAlO3 laser could be potentially used for generating terahertz radiations.
基于多源卫星资料特别是微波定量化产品开展综合分析,是卫星遥感台风监测技术未来发展的必然趋势。更客观的综合定强技术有助于在总体上提高台风强度的预报水平。以2013年第23号强台风“菲特”为例,采用台风最佳路径结果对国内外常见的几家热带气旋预报机构(中央气象台、上海气象局、日本气象厅、美国关岛、美国国家海洋和大气局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA) 、美国国家环境卫星数据和信息服务中心(National Environmental S
运用时域太赫兹波谱法,低温(10 K)高电场下本征砷化镓中受飞秒激光脉冲激发的电子所辐射出的太赫兹波被准确地测量出来。从样品中辐射出的和电子加速度/减速度成正比的太赫兹电磁波,表现出双极特性。通过分析砷化镓中辐射出的太赫兹波的傅里叶变换谱,在实验上得到阶跃电场下的砷化镓内因电子谷间散射而引起的增益极限频率,可以达到约750 GHz(10 K)。同时通过测量极限频率和温度的关系,发现极限频率是电子经由纵光学声子从L谷到Γ谷的散射能量弛豫过程所需要的时间决定的。通过理论计算电子在Γ谷的弹道加速、电子谷间散射和
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