惠普结盟中房信网4月18目,惠普公司正式宣布与“中房信网”(www.HomePRC.com)结成电子商务领域战略联盟,在不久的将来,老百姓就可以通过惠普与中房信网共同搭建的个性化服务平台,直接上网看房、选房、购房以及进行与“家”有关的一切商品和服务的交易。ChinaByte 牵手“蓝快”为进一步推动中国信息化进程,拓展中国电子商务市场空间,4月19日,chinaByte 推出其“电子商务服务平台”
Hewlett-Packard alliance in April Forth letter network April 18, Hewlett-Packard officially announced the formation of a strategic alliance with the “Housing Network 信网” (www.HomePRC.com) in the field of e-commerce, in the near future, people can pass HP and 中房Letter network jointly build a personalized service platform, direct Internet viewing room, room, purchase and carry out the “home” related to all the goods and services transactions. ChinaByte Holding “Blue Fast” In order to further promote China’s informationization process and expand the space for China’s e-commerce market, on April 19, chinaByte launched its “e-commerce service platform”