Lobster walking into the party宫廷“龙虾”

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  1 Little Brother was a young painter. Although he lived in the cheapest house, he always held his head high, spoke to everyone he met and showed his work to whoever would look at it.
  2 One afternoon, a group of some fancy nobles invited him to a party in a castle in the Loire Valley that weekend. They said this was going to be the party of the year and only noble men were allowed to attend the party. “Dress up and join us!” they said.
  3 Excited, Little Brother worked all week on a costume that he was certain would be highly impressive. Then he rented a car and drove three hours to the castle. He changed into his costume in the car and went up the castle steps. He entered the ballroom, head held high.
  4 Upon arrival, he immediately realized his mistake. This was a themed costume party. All around him everyone was dressed in fancy clothes with sparkling jewels. Little Brother, however, was wearing a red coat, red tights, red ballet slippers, and giant red claws. Also, his face was painted red. He was dressed as a lobster.
  5 He stood at the top of the steps for one long horrible moment. Running away in shame seemed like the easiest response. But he didnt run. Hed worked really hard to make this costume, and he was proud of it.
  6 Though he was a bit nervous at first, quickly a slight triumph (喜悦) took over as he was amazed at his smooth footsteps. The dramatic scene where a beautiful princess danced with an funny lobster attracted all the dancers. Everyone cheered for them with thunderous applause.
  7 When asked why he wore a costume like that, Little Brother spelled out his art inspiration,“Beauty comes from variety. Dont be afraid of being unique. Be confident. What if you were a star?”he said.
  Inference 1. Which word can best describe Little Brother according to Para. 1?
  A. Brave. B. Talented. C. Unselfish. D. Confident.
  Detail 2. What did the nobles ask Little Brother to do?
  A. To make some costumes. B. To draw several paintings.
  C. To attend an upper?class party. D. To join them to work together.
  Detail 3. What made Little Brother nervous at the party?
  A. Finding no one to talk with.
  B. Wearing a suit of inappropriate dress.
  C. Being refused to dance with the guests.
  D. Not knowing how to response to others.
  Gist 4. What does this story intend to imply?   A. Confidence is a bridge to success.
  B. Dont wait until everything is just right.
  C. High expectations are the key to everything.
  D. Ideals are the eyes that reflect the beautiful mind.
  He entered the ballroom, head held high. 他高昂着头,走进了舞厅。
  本句中,head held high是一个独立主格结构,表示伴随的情况,句中逻辑主语与过去分词held构成的是动宾关系。常见的独立主格结构还有以下几种:
  1. 名词(代词) 现在分词
  Night enshrouding the earth, nobody could make out what the dark mass was from a distance. 黑夜笼罩大地,谁也看不清远处黑压压的一片是什么东西。
  2. 名词(代词) 不定式
  Many trees, flowers, and grass to be planted, our newly?built school will look even more beautiful. 种上许多的树、花和草后,我们新建的学校看上去将更美。
  3. 名词(代词) 形容词
  Computers very small, we can carry them easily. 電脑很小,我们很方便携带。
  4. 名词(代词) 副词
  The meeting over, our headmaster soon left the meeting room. 散会了,校长很快就离开了会议室。
  5. 名词(代词) 介词短语
  He lay at full length upon his stomach, his head upon his left forearm. 他背朝上,四肢伸展,头枕着左臂,直挺挺地趴伏着。
34.乌鲁木齐  新疆首府迪化正式更名为乌鲁木。五个月后,新疆军区生产建设兵团成立了。  提记:  1954年6月22日,中央军委决定,将中国人民解放军驻新彊第二十二兵团改建为新疆生产建设兵团。仼命陶峙岳为新疆生产建设兵团司令员,王震为政治委员。兵团下辖九个农垦师,一个水利师,一个基建师,245个团场。分布于南疆、北疆的各个战略要点,形成了纵横3000公里的拱卫带,总人口已达135万。成为守护我国
摘 要:从二十个世纪至今,很多国外的学者翻译推介了中国诗歌。在这些对于中国诗词的翻译和介绍中,对于和纳兰性德齐名的清代满族女词人顾春,由于时代、历史等原因,却很少涉及。对于清代满族女词人顾春及其代表作品的英译与推介,是中国民族文学世界化的一个重要环节与步骤。  关键词:译介;典籍英译;满族;女词人  作者简介:刘丽丽(1978-),女,满族,河北承德人,硕士,河北民族师范学院外语国语学院副教授,研
摘 要:中国和印度领土接壤,在古代中印交往频繁,有科学技术领域的,有商品的互通往来,有文学艺术的交流融合,更有着思想,宗教的传播和吸收。佛教就是其中最明显,最为世人了解的代表。佛教起源于印度,是在公元前6至5世纪印度王子悉达多乔达摩创立,对人在精神领域有着深刻影响,文化交流中佛教沟通了中印,同时也为中国道教思想传入印度奠定了一定基础。本文旨在从佛教的传播途径,典型人物入手,论析佛教在中国流传的原因
難词探意  1. perspective /pspektv/ n. 观点;景观  2. anthropology /nθrpldi/ n. 人类学  3. ritual /rtul/ n. 仪式;礼节;习惯  4. dynamic /danmk/ adj. 动态的;充满活力的  I chose to come to China this summer to learn more about the
摘 要:新时期以来,由于受西方资产阶级文化思潮的影响,中国当代文学的创作呈现出一种“重技巧探索而轻现实内容”的倾向,甚至有意回避对于现实的反映和干预。尤其在经历了以马原、残雪等为代表的“先锋文学”这一“叙事顶峰”之后,当代文学在小说形式上的探索已不成问题,成问题的反而是“中国现实”。有感于现实主义遭遇西方现代主义的冲击后所面临的这一困境,重新研读和学习茅盾关于社会主义现实主义的创作方法,对于当下现
摘 要:幽默是莫言小说的一大特色,他构建幽默的方式是多种多样的,比喻这种修辞技巧就是其中最突出的一种,本文主要论述了他利用比喻来制造幽默的方式。首先本文分析了比喻怎样才可以制造出幽默效果,然后本文结合语料通过四个方面来具体论述莫言是如何利用比喻制造幽默效果的:把尊贵高雅的人比喻成极其丑陋猥琐的事物、把低贱鄙俗的动物被比喻成高尚尊贵的人、以卑下部位或粗言秽语作喻体、设置新颖奇巧的言语形象,以便使读者
摘 要:《光谱》是三十年诗选,按时间顺序编了三辑,从后向前分别是恰同学少年时的作品,第二部分是二十五到而立之年的部分作品,第三部分是三十到四十五岁左右的部分作品。不同人生历程中,有不同的风景,不同的认知和感悟。诗人的阅历使诗歌内涵显得厚重,同时随着心性的沉淀,对生活的感悟愈发深刻,诗歌也别有风味。这是一本纪念性诗集,其意义就是“检视一下自己诗歌创作的历程和道路,收获和缺失,以及更重要的是,我的生命
摘 要:生在中国哲学中的意义是非同一般的,可以说它是一个核心的地位,有人将这两个的关系进行了描述,认为生命是生的全部内涵,并将其与中国哲学进行融合;也有人在道德层面上进行论证,就笔者而言,两种观点都值得认同,但也存在一些不完善的部分。本文就生与中国哲学的关系进行描述,并总结了生的含义以及内在价值,最后将人和自然的关系与生的哲学进行结合理解。  关键词:中国哲学;生;自然界  [中图分类号]:B2
江南可采莲,  莲叶何田田,  鱼戏莲叶间。  鱼戏莲叶东,  鱼戏莲叶西,  鱼戏莲叶南,  鱼戏莲叶北。
摘 要:通过对“孝”思想的研究与学习,联系“孝”思想在大学校园没有得到很好重视与延伸的现状,阐述修身养性、爱亲敬亲、尊师敬老的重要性。思考大学生应该如何传承“孝”思想,行孝悌,立天下。  关键词:“孝”思想;修身;爱亲敬亲;尊师敬老;行孝悌;立天下  作者简介:陈若茵,女,广东轻工职业技术学院文秘专业2013级学生;程时用,男,副教授。  [中图分类号]:G64 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]