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1997年在向1996年招手了,今天在向明天行告别礼了,一个年轮与新的年轮的交接仪式已经开始了.辞旧迎新,对于一个国家、一个民族乃至每一个人,无疑都是有意义的.即将——逝去的1996年,对于我们国家而言,意味着政治稳定.经济发展,人民幸福;意味着农业丰产丰收,国有企业改革逐步深化,物价水平进一步回落,意味着适度认紧货币政策的实施取得了显效,金融干预经济、参与生活的职能作用进一步增强,金融法律法规更加深入人心,农村金融体制改革迈出了重大步伐.正在向我们走来的1997年.将是在共和国历史上值得大书特书的一年,因为有两座丰伟的里程碑将要在这一年树起:我国将于7月1日恢复对香港行使主权,党的第十五次全国代表大会将要胜利召开,全国人民将会在此政治推动力的作用之下.以更加高昂的热情和稳健的步伐,迎接新世纪的到来.最近召开的中央经济工作会议确定.1997年经济工作的总体要求是;坚持以邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论为指导,全面贯彻党的基本路线和基本方针,落实十四届五中、六中全会精神.切实推进两个根本性转变,继续实行适度从紧的财政货币政策,降低物价上涨幅度,加强农业基础地位.加快改革特别是国有企业改革步伐,加大结构调整力度,培育新的经济增长点,积极开拓市场,提高对外开放水平,促进? In 1997, when we waved our hand to 1996, today we are bidding farewell to tomorrow, and the handover ceremony of an annual ring and a new annual ring has already started. No doubt that all countries, nations and even individuals Is about to go - in 1996, for our country, means political stability. Economic development, the people happy; means that the bumper harvest of agriculture, the gradual deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises, prices dropped further, which means that moderate The implementation of monetary policy has achieved remarkable results. The functions of financial intervention in economy and participation in life have been further strengthened. The financial laws and regulations have become more popular and great progress has been made in the reform of the rural financial system. The year 1997 that is approaching us will be The year in the history of the Republic deserves a great book because there are two significant milestones to set in store this year: our country will resume its exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong on July 1, the 15th national representative of the party The victory of the General Assembly will be held and the people of our country will be under the influence of this political driving force and will welcome the new century with more enthusiasm and steady pace. Economic work meeting in 1997. The general requirements of economic work in 1997 are: adhere to Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics as guidance, fully implement the party’s basic line and basic principles, and implement the spirit of the Fifth, 6th Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee. We will continue to implement a moderately tight fiscal and monetary policy to reduce the rate of price increases and strengthen the basic position of agriculture. We will speed up the pace of reform, especially the reform of state-owned enterprises, intensify structural readjustment and foster new economic growth points, Open up the market, improve the level of opening up and promote?
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