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Halstead早在1899年就已经提出壶腹部肿瘤的局部切除术,但至今仍缺乏大宗病例报道.随着对壶腹部肿瘤的认识和早期病例的增多,局部切除治疗壶腹部良、恶性肿瘤被人们重新认识和认可.现仅就手术方式和方法进行探讨.1 解剖基础壶腹部肿瘤是指起源于胆总管末端、Vater壶腹、十二指肠乳头的肿瘤.胆总管可分为4段:十二指肠上段、十二指肠后段、胰腺段、十二指肠壁内段.胆总管末端即指十二指肠壁内段.该段胆总管进入并斜行于十二指肠后内侧壁内,与主胰管汇合形成共同通道,随后开口于十二指肠后内侧壁的十二指肠乳头,亦称之特乳头(Papilla vater).胆总管进入十二指肠前扩大成壶腹,即Vater壶腹部,肠壁内段 Halstead had already presented partial resection of ampulla tumors as early as 1899, but there is still a lack of large case reports. With the recognition of ampulla tumors and the increase of early cases, local resection of benign and malignant tumors in the ampulla has been revisited. Recognition and recognition. Only the surgical methods and methods are discussed.1 Anatomy Basic ampulla is a tumor originating from the end of the common bile duct, Vater’s ampulla, and duodenal papilla. The common bile duct can be divided into 4 segments: Twelve The upper part of the intestine, the posterior duodenum, the pancreatic segment, and the inner wall of the duodenum. The end of the common bile duct refers to the inner wall of the duodenum. This section of the common bile duct enters and slants into the duodenum. In the wall, it merges with the main pancreatic duct to form a common passage, which then opens to the duodenal papilla of the duodenum, also called the papilla vater. The common bile duct expands into a pot before entering the duodenum. Abdominal, Vater’s ampulla, intestine wall
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数学课上,蔡老师出了这样一道题:学校有一个长方形水池,扩建校园时,把水池的长和宽增加原来的 (如下图),现在水池的面积是原来的几分之几?  初看题目,大家一下子愣住了。“就这些条件,怎么做呀?”有的同学嘀咕着,“老师是不是忘了什么条件?”  老师觉察到了大家的困惑,提醒大家:“条件虽少,但完全可以用学到的方法解决哦。”  大家静下心来,再一次读题思考起来。几分钟后,同学们找到了解决办法。  郭沈天
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亲爱的可爱的漠,Long time no see!还在画你那种有着可以溢出快乐的眼睛的漫画吗?还是那种很泛的大而空的那型。昨天去音像店买了班得瑞的《浓雾森林》。本来不准备买的,但它