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综合防治在病虫害的治理方面,愈来愈起着明显的作用。随着综合防治实践的不断深入发展,对综合防治的认识也必将获得进一步提高。现结合我省水稻病虫害综合防治问题,拟从三个方面进行讨论。 一、综合防治的概念和标准 综合防治的概念应是通过各种措施,从而达到压低害虫的基数,把病虫危害控制在允许的经济阀值以下。在经济上,获取最大的收效,并无副作用出现。所以综合防治与非综合防治是有严格区别的。 Integrated prevention and control in the pest and disease control, more and more plays an obvious role. With the deepening development of integrated prevention and control practices, awareness of comprehensive prevention and control will surely be further enhanced. Now combined with the prevention and control of rice pests and diseases in our province, to be discussed from three aspects. I. Concepts and Criteria for Integrated Prevention and Control The concept of integrated prevention and control should be achieved through various measures so as to reduce the base number of pests and control pests and diseases to below the permissible economic threshold. In the economy, to obtain the maximum benefit, no side effects appear. Therefore, there is a strict distinction between comprehensive prevention and non-comprehensive prevention and control.
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各种环境因子对马尾松毛虫(Dendrolimus punctatus Walker)种群死亡率、生殖力的影响已被许多学者的研究证明,但环境因子对幼虫雌性比有否影响,尚未有过报道。1983年3月以来
豆毒蛾(Cifuna locuples Walker)以幼虫为害大豆、绿豆、芦苇、紫藤、海棠、柿、柳、茶等。在南平地区为害大豆、四季豆、绿豆、柳及丝瓜,越冬代则在葛藤及廊茵等杂草上为害
利用微生物防治白蚁的研究,国外已经进行了二十多年,但至今未见有关微生物防治家白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki取得满意效果的研究报告。本研究目的是克服使用化学药
由于公民的法律意识不断增强 ,患者对医疗服务的要求和期望值越来越高 ,加上其它因素如新闻媒介的炒作 ,近年来医疗纠纷有增无减 ,给医院增加了工作负担 ,一定程度上干扰了医