黄芪桂枝五物汤出自《金匮要略》,该方为治血痹证而设,由黄芪、芍药、桂枝、生姜、大枣组成,笔者临证应用该方加味治疗多种疾病,临床颇效,兹举验案如下。1 糖尿病性周围神经病变 许某,男,48岁。1998—3—5日诊。患Ⅱ型糖尿病4年,伴四肢麻木1年。在控制饮食的基础上,经服降糖药,空腹血糖控制在6.0~7.8mmol/L之间,但四肢麻木不减。近年月夜间双下肢冰冷刺痛,喜热怕凉,难以入眠,双足感觉异常,如踏棉垫,不敢独自行
Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Tang is prepared from the “Golden Chamber”, which is designed for treating blood stasis syndrome. It is composed of Huangqi, peony, cassia twig, ginger, and jujube. The author applies this recipe to treat various diseases. Clinical It is quite effective. 1 Diabetic peripheral neuropathy Xu Mou, male, 48 years old. 1998-3-3-5 consultation. Suffering from type 2 diabetes for 4 years, with numbness of the limbs for 1 year. On the basis of diet control, fasting blood glucose was controlled between 6.0 and 7.8 mmol/L, but the numbness of the limbs did not decrease. In recent years, the cold and irritation of the lower limbs on both nights and nights, the heat is afraid of the cold, it is difficult to go to sleep, and the feet feel abnormal. If they step on the cotton pad, they are afraid to walk alone.