远志为多年生草本植物,以根入药,有益智安神, 散郁化痰的作用。据对全国17家大型中药材专业市场 调查显示,近年来国内外市场对远志的需求量逐年上 升,市场行情好、价格高,刺激了各地药农采挖的积极 性,导致远志野生资源逐年下降几近枯竭,特别是外贸 出口急需的远志已极少见。市场的短缺拉动价格的上 扬,并呈逐年上升趋势。
Polygalaceae perennial herbs to root medicine, there is puzzle soothing, scattered Yu phlegm role. According to the survey of 17 large Chinese herbal medicines market, the demand of Polygalaceae in domestic and overseas markets has been increasing year by year. The good market conditions and high prices have stimulated the enthusiasm of medicinal herbs excavation in various places and led to the year-on-year drop of wild resources of Polygalae Exhausted, especially the much-needed exports of Polygalaceae exports have been rare. The market shortage stimulated the price rise, and showed a rising trend year by year.