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关于开会,我先引用两则短信。“机关工作要学会开会,开会之前要稍作准备,参会时候要选好座位,该你发言要天花乱坠,遇有分歧要态度暧昧,别人发言要假装回味,领导讲话要似乎陶醉。”“一天不开会,感觉找不对;两天不开会,活动没经费;三天不开会,神经快崩溃;一周三天会,只能管个醉;一周五天会,刚够福利 On the meeting, I first cited two text messages. ”Organizations to learn to work, meeting a little bit to prepare for the meeting, when the seats to be selected, the statement you want to hype, in disagreement to the ambiguous attitude, others should pretend to aftertaste speech, the leading speech seems to be intoxicated. "One day without a meeting, I feel not right; two days without a meeting, no funding activities; three days without a meeting, nervous collapse soon; three days a week, can only manage a drunk; five days a week will be just enough benefits