1.竞争观。当代中国工程师,应该有强烈的竞争观念,深刻地意识到,在本世纪末、下世纪初,或者几十年之内,将会有这么一个新情况,现在已经突破或将要突破的新技术,运用于生产,运用于社会,将带来社会生产力的新的飞跃,相应地会带来社会生活的新变化。 2.实践观。一般来说,工程师的专业基础知识是夯得比较扎实的,但知识就是知识,知识并不能给人以相应的使用知识的能力。
1. The concept of competition. Today’s Chinese engineers should have a strong sense of competition and be acutely aware that there will be such a new situation in the end of the century, the beginning of the next century, or several decades, and new technologies that have already been breakthroughs or breakthroughs will be applied. The production and application in society will bring about a new leap in social productivity, which will bring about new changes in social life. 2. Practice concept. In general, the professional basic knowledge of engineers is more solid, but knowledge is knowledge. Knowledge does not give people the ability to use knowledge.