明治维新以后 ,“日本人论”著述开始大量出现。日本人论的繁荣与日本独特的地理环境、历史环境和文化心理密切相关。在明治维新、中日甲午战争、二战失败和成为经济大国等重要历史阶段 ,日本人论的内容随之在“肯定日本文化特性”和“否定日本文化特性”之间摇摆 ,其演变反映出日本知识界对日本文化和民族性格认识的历程。
After the Meiji Restoration, the writings of “Japanese Theory” began to appear in large numbers. The Japanese theory of prosperity and Japan’s unique geographical environment, historical environment and cultural psychology are closely related. During the important historical stages of the Meiji Restoration, the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the failure of World War II and becoming a major economic power, the content of Japanese theory then swayed between “affirming Japanese cultural identity” and “denying Japanese cultural identity,” and its evolution reflected Japan The Knowledge Circles’ Understanding of Japanese Culture and National Character.