To systematically summarize our work experience is an important task for us to revolutionize our banking work and better serve the three major revolutionary movements at present. This is because summing up work experience is an important way for people to understand the laws of objective things. Summarizing the bank’s work experience is based on the bank’s practice of work, enriching the experiences and materials of experience and making some efforts to make it up to a rational understanding. This will enable us to understand what we have done, why some have succeeded, and others have failed. Knowing what to do as well as knowing why it should be done so as to grasp the understanding of the objective law governing bank work. If we do not scientifically summarize the accumulated experience in the past, we will not be able to reach an understanding of objective laws. Often we only know that we should do this, but we do not know why we should do this, nor do we know under what conditions and under what conditions This should not be the case. Over time, they will be trapped in a box, easy