由于贯彻党的教育方针,学校大搞生产,在型架制造中实行两条腿走路,土洋结合的方法,获得一定的成绩。这里总结出两种简易的型架装配机,就它的构造原理,安装精度,以及在生产中发生的问题加以叙述;并提出一些改进的意见供作参考。 它适合设备简陋的学校进行快速度试制,对于工厂用以减轻生产准备的工作量;和缩短周期方面也有一定的作用。
Due to the implementation of the party’s education policy, the school vigorously engaged in production, the implementation of the two-legged walk in the construction of the two legs, the combination of earth and ocean, and achieved some success. Here are summarized two simple frame assembly machine, on its structure principle, installation accuracy, as well as the problems occurred in the production are described; and some suggestions for improvement for reference. It is suitable for rapid prototyping in poorly equipped schools, for the factory to reduce the workload of production preparation, and to shorten the cycle.