本试验对苹果园种植覆盖作物—白香草木樨Melilotus albus Desr.后,苹果树上叶螨及其主要天敌—小花蝽Orius minutus(Linnaeus)、中华草蛉Chrysopa sinica Tjedet、塔六点蓟马Scolothrips sexmaculatus(Pergande)和拟长刺钝绥螨Amblyseius pseudo-longispinosus Xin et Liang等种群数量的消长进行了观察.6月中旬后,在生草法处理区,天敌与山楂叶螨Tetranychus viennensis Zacher之间的益害比明显地高于免耕法对照区.因此,山楂叶螨的种群数量明显下降.7月12日,处理区与对照区之间的差异最为显著,分别为每叶2.54头和每叶8.80头.在整个生长季里,只使用了一次杀螨剂.由此可见,果园内种植覆盖作物以保护和增殖天敌,是害虫综合治理的重要措施之一.
In this experiment, the spider mite and its main natural enemies, Orius minutus (Linnaeus), Chrysopa sinica Tjedet, Scolothrips sexmaculatus Pergande and Amblyseius pseudo-longispinosus Xin et Liang were observed in mid-June. After mid-June, the benefits of natural enemies and Tetranychus viennensis Zacher Therefore, the population of hawthorn spider mite population decreased significantly.The differences between the treatment and control plots were most significant on July 12, with 2.54 leaves per leaf and 8.80 per leaf, respectively During the whole growing season, only one acaricide was used, which shows that planting orchards in the orchard to protect and multiply natural enemies is one of the important measures for the comprehensive management of pests.