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1966年,中国年轻的竹笛演奏家简广易前来鄂尔多斯乌审旗采风。感于乌审草原的美丽景色,感于乌审旗人民奋发向上的情怀,汲取鄂尔多斯民间音乐元素,简广易在乌审旗乌审召的油灯下创作了笛子独奏曲《牧民新歌》。之后,这首优美的笛曲传遍中国大江南北,被联合国教科文组织选入音乐教材。这一经典笛曲至今仍在全国乃至世界各地流传。 In 1966, China’s young bamboo flute virtuoso Jane easy to come to Ordos Wushenqi folk songs. Sense of the beautiful scenery in Wushen grasslands, feeling in the Wushen Banner people’s feelings of empowerment, drawing Erdos folk music elements, simple and easy in the Wushenqiwu under the oil lamp autographed flute solo song “new song”. After that, the first beautiful flute spread throughout China’s major rivers north and south, was selected by the UNESCO music materials. This classic flute is still circulating throughout the country and around the world.