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将文化教育与技术教育溶为一体的农民教育,作为我国成人教育的一个组成部分,已经在广阔农村显示出它的生命力。在少数民族地区和经济不发达地区,农民教育正发挥科教兴农的特殊作用。 据统计,我国共有2.23亿文盲。其中90%在农村,少数民族地区和贫困地区更为集中。有25种少数民族12岁以上人口的文盲率达50%以上,高的达80%以上。这个庞大的文盲群体,既是过去愚昧和贫困的产物,又是今天愚昧和贫困的载体。文化教育的落后反作用于经济,致使陷于贫困的旋涡而不能自拔,与发达地区形成了强烈的反差。 少数民族地区和贫困地区的现实情况,要求加快农民教育进展。在新的形势下,农民教育担负的使命,不仅仅是组织文化学习,帮助一个文盲认识1500个字(国家规定脱盲的主要标准),而且要通过文化学习,扫除愚昧,提高劳动者素质,加快脱贫步伐。 记者在中南、西南等少数民族地区和贫困地区近3个月的调查表明,改革开放以来,少数民族地区和贫困地区的农民教育,在探索中发展,并积累了一些经验。但也应该看到,农民教育在少数民族地区和贫困地区特定的条件和环境下,随着农村改革的深入,将会面临许多新的问题,需要不断地研究和开拓,以适应这些地区两个文明建设的需要。 今年是国际扫盲年,本刊从这一期起,将分三期连载记者的调查, Farmers education, which integrates culture and education with technical education, has shown its vitality in vast rural areas as an integral part of our adult education. In ethnic minority areas and economically underdeveloped areas, peasant education is playing a special role in rejuvenating agriculture through science and education. According to statistics, there are 223 million illiterate people in our country. 90% of them are more concentrated in rural areas, ethnic minority areas and poor areas. There are 25 ethnic minorities over the age of 12 illiteracy rate of more than 50%, up more than 80%. This huge illiterate group is both a product of past ignorance and poverty and a carrier of ignorance and poverty today. The backwardness of culture and education has reacted to the economy, which has left us trapped in the whirlpool of poverty. This has brought about a sharp contrast with the developed regions. The reality of minority areas and poor areas calls for accelerating the progress of farmer education. Under the new situation, the mission of farmer education is not only to organize cultural studies and help 1,500 illiterate people know the language of illiteracy (the main national standard for getting rid of blindness), but also to expedite the workforce’s quality through cultural studies, to eliminate ignorance, Poverty off the pace. A survey by reporters in the past three months in ethnic minority areas such as South-Central and Southwest China and in poor areas shows that since the reform and opening up, farmer education in ethnic minority areas and poverty-stricken areas has been explored and some experiences accumulated. However, it should also be noted that peasant education will face many new problems with the deepening of rural reform under the specific conditions and circumstances of ethnic minority areas and poor areas, and needs continuous research and development to adapt to these two areas The need of civilization construction. This year is the International Literacy Year, this issue from this issue, will be divided into three serialized survey of correspondents,
(一)产业政策与经济发展战略目标紧密联系,重点十分突出 日本政府在制定产业政策时,十分重视对未来五年、十年或更长远的国际国内经济环境和经济发展趋势进行预测和展望。每
Microbial remediation potential to crude oil-contaminated soils in the Yellow River delta was assessed. Hydrocarbons degradaters were isolated from the soil sam
<正> 假如美国实际国民生产总值(GNP)的标志线在1869年到1929年的自由经济时代是伸展于每一峰值包络线的高峰区域,则这表明了经济在一个长远时期内的潜力。这样一幅图画也揭示出,在绝大多数时间里,这种体系的运行并没有充分发挥出它的潜力,传统的观点认为,周期性的产品短缺是人类进步中无法避免和难以控制的代价支付。我们从凯恩斯主义革命得知,人们并不需要必须付出这一代价,但是在1929年后的混合经济时代,这一代价却仍然要支付,因为人们允许并鼓励它的存在。
<正> 国庆节的前一天,在皖南屯溪,得知朱老先生过世的消息,很是突然。因不久前还与先生的家人联系,告知先生状况还好!我还想有时间去北京看望先生,想请先生写点什么,万万没想