一、是非题(在题后括号内打“√”或“×”) 1.小学教育改革的中心问题是教学方法的改革。[ ] 2.教育改革的根本目的是提高质量。只有提高教育质量的改革才是成功的改革。[ ] 3.实施以提高素质为核心的教育,关键是要加强领导。[ ] 4.克服片面追求升学率的错误倾向的核心问题是减轻小学生的负担。[ ] 5.全省小学都要严格教学常规,建立教学规范,重视
First, right and wrong (in the brackets after the question, hit “√” or “×”) 1. The central issue of primary education reform is the reform of teaching methods. [] 2. The fundamental purpose of education reform is to improve quality. Only reforms that improve the quality of education are successful reforms. [] 3. The key to implementing education that focuses on quality improvement is to strengthen leadership. [4] 4. The core problem of overcoming the erroneous tendency of one-sided pursuit of higher education rates is to reduce the burden on primary school students. [] 5. The primary school in the province should strictly observe the teaching routine and establish teaching norms.