
来源 :Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoyyop
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研究了气候海洋与大气的临界时间跨度及其非线性作用的大致结构。与预报的空间分辩率及系统的非线性强度相联系,气候大气和海洋的临界时间跨度可反映系统可预报的相对时间尺度。对于具有同样空间特征尺度的大气和海洋,海洋的最小临界时间跨度约是大气的9倍(可达数日至数十日)。一般(外源变化缓慢的)气候海洋与大气的一阶非线性越强,其临界时间跨度越小。气候海洋与大气非线性作用的大致结构是:通常与科里奥利力对流体运动的规范作用(如地转运动)有关,非线性作用随纬度增加而减弱。距平流场的切变结构及其沿经向与纬向上强度的比较直接改变气候大气和海洋的非线性作用(比如,向东的距平环流强度与经向环流强度相当时,非线性作用最强),较强的外部驱动(风应力和压强梯度力)使非线性作用加大等等。 The general structure of the critical time span of the climate ocean and the atmosphere and its nonlinear effects are studied. In connection with the spatial resolution of prediction and the nonlinear strength of the system, the critical time span of climate and ocean can reflect the relative time scale of the system predictable. For the atmosphere and oceans with the same spatial scale, the minimum critical time span of oceans is about 9 times that of the atmosphere (up to several days to tens of days). General (exogenous slowly changing) Climate The stronger the first-order nonlinearity of the ocean and the atmosphere, the smaller the critical time span. The general structure of the non-linear action of the ocean and the atmosphere on the climate is generally related to the Coriolis force’s normative effect on fluid motion (eg, geostationary motion), and the nonlinear effect weakens as latitude increases. The shear structure away from the advection and its comparison with the strength in the meridional and latitudinal directions directly change the nonlinear effects of the climate and ocean (for example, when the anomalous easterly anomaly circulation intensity is equal to the meridional circulation intensity, the nonlinear effect Strongest), strong external drive (wind stress and pressure gradient force) to increase the role of non-linearity and so on.
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