In recent years, it has been found that there are zinc deficiencies in some areas in our country. According to the analysis of the measured values of zinc in 303 children 1 to 6 in 11 institutions in Beijing, 65.7% of them were below the lower limit of the normal value of hair zinc in our country and 15% below 50ppm. A nursery-child institution intake of zinc throughout the day is only about half of the standard intake, a serious impact on children’s growth and development and healthy growth. Therefore, the relevant departments are preparing to strengthen the zinc in food. However, zinc and microelements essential elements of iron, copper, there is a mutual restraint relationship, prasad, etc. have been reported: zinc fortified into the diet or for treatment, can limit the absorption of iron and copper use, daily oral zinc 200 mg can Cause anemia. It has also been reported that people are iron