为了促进我国社会生产力的更快发展,使国家繁荣富强,更好地满足人民群众不断增长的物质文化生活需要,最根本的一条就是坚持党的基本路线一百年不动摇。小平同志在南巡时说。‘基本路线要管一百年,动摇不得。只有坚持这条路线,人民才会相信你,拥护你。谁要改变三中全会以来的路线方针政策,老百姓不答应,谁就会被打倒。’邓小平同志为什么这样尖锐地把这个问题提到全党和全国人民的面前? 这是总结历史经验得出的重要结论,在新中国成立初期,我们在完成三大改造,顺利地实现了由新民主主义向社会主义的转变后,党曾经明确指出国内主要矛盾已经不再是工人阶
In order to promote the faster development of our social productive forces, make the country prosperous and prosperous, and better meet the people’s growing needs for material and cultural life, the most fundamental one is to uphold the party’s basic line for a hundred years without wavering. Comrade Xiaoping said during the southern tour. The basic line to control a hundred years, shaken not. Only by adhering to this line will the people believe you and support you. Whoever wants to change the line, principles, and policies since the Third Plenary Session of the Plenary Session will not be allowed to anyone and will be beaten down. Why did Deng Xiaoping pointedly put this issue so sharply before the whole party and the people throughout the country? This is an important conclusion from summing up historical experience. In the early days of the People’s Republic of China, we completed three major reforms and successfully implemented the new After the transformation from democracy to socialism, the party made it clear that the major domestic contradictions are no longer workers