香花槐又称宝贵树,原产于西班牙,被称之为园林中“奇珍异宝”。经吉林省集安市园艺特产研究所引入栽培试验,香花槐一年两季盛花,花多而色泽艳丽,花形妩媚动人,姿色典雅,芳香别致。盛开的粉红色花朵与繁茂的绿叶和优美的树形相映补,独具特色,颇富园林本栖花卉之风采,具有很高的观赏价值,是公园、庭院、街道、花坛、风景区等各种园林绿化的珍品。 香花槐为豆科落叶小乔木,株高达6~8米,树干褐至灰褐色。叶互生,深绿色有光泽,青翠碧绿。花粉红色,有浓郁芳香。每年开
Hong Huai also known as precious tree, native to Spain, known as the garden “treasures.” Ji’an City, Jilin Province Horticultural Research Institute introduced the cultivation of flowers, fragrant Sophora japonica flowers in two seasons a year, flowers and more beautiful color, charming flower-shaped, elegant, fragrant and chic. Blooming pink flowers and lush greenery and beautiful trees complement each other, unique, very rich garden habitat flower style, with high ornamental value, is a park, the courtyard, the streets, flower beds, scenic areas and other Landscaping treasures. Fragrant flower leguminous deciduous tree, up to 6 to 8 meters, trunk brown to taupe. Leaves alternate, dark green and shiny, green and green. Pink, rich aroma. Open every year