
来源 :中华肝胆外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asiware
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目的建立豚鼠至大鼠非协调性异种肝移植动物模型,并对动脉化模型和静脉化模型进行比较。方法共进行异种肝移植40次,其中20对为动脉化组,20对为静脉化组。比较两组存活时间、受体血中肝脏酶的变化,移植肝组织学改变和荧光抗体染色。结果动脉化组存活时间为(92.95±28.52)min,静脉化组为(135.10±46.12)min。两组移植肝组织学变化基本相似,肝细胞水样变形、血管和血窦淤血;荧光染色见 IgM 和 IgG 沉积于血管内皮细胞和肝血窦。结论在没有克服超急性排斥反应之前,豚鼠至大鼠异种肝移植静脉化模型比动脉化模型更简单实用。 Objective To establish an animal model of non-coordinating xenotransplantation from guinea pig to rat, and to compare the arterial model with venous model. Methods Heterotopic liver transplantation was performed 40 times, of which 20 were arterialized and 20 were veinized. The survival time of the two groups were compared, the change of hepatic enzymes in the blood of the recipients, histological changes of the grafted liver and fluorescent antibody staining. Results Arterial group survival time (92.95 ± 28.52) min, vein group (135.10 ± 46.12) min. Histological changes in the two groups of liver transplantation were similar, hepatocyte watery deformity, blood vessels and sinusoids congestion; fluorescence staining see IgM and IgG deposition in vascular endothelial cells and hepatic sinusoids. Conclusion Before the hyperacute rejection was not overcome, the guinea pig to rat xenotransplantation venous model was simpler and more practical than the arterial model.
摘 要 合作学习在国外已有几十年开发与研究的历史,但在我国仍属新生事物。能否有效地在我国实施合作学习,关键在于我们是否能科学地理解合作学习的基本内涵,把握它的精神实质,并具体做到结合本地实际,发挥其内在作用。  【关键词】英语课堂;合作学习;运用  新课程标准强调:“课程应从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式,成为学生形成自主学习能力和积极情感态度的