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秘鲁乌卡亚利盆地是油气资源丰富的南美安第斯前陆盆地的子盆地之一。该盆地油气潜力巨大,勘探程度低,已发现12个油气田,可采储量约6×108t。根据大量物探、钻井和实验分析资料,系统分析乌卡亚利盆地的烃源岩、储集层、盖层及圈闭等基本石油地质条件,并提出勘探有利区域和潜力。研究表明,乌卡亚利盆地自奥陶纪形成以来,长期沉降接受沉积。从古生代到中生代沉积3套主要烃源岩,即三叠系—侏罗系Pucara组烃源岩、二叠系Ene组烃源岩和石炭系Ambo群烃源岩,这些烃源岩有机质含量高,处于成熟阶段,分别向盆地的北部、中部和南部运移供油;盆地内有多套储盖组合,主要储集层为白垩系Cushabatay组和Vivian组;晚二叠世以来的多次构造运动特别是晚白垩世以来的构造运动形成多种类型的圈闭,圈闭类型主要为挤压背景下形成的推覆背斜、断背斜和断块等构造圈闭,也存在大量地层和岩性隐蔽圈闭。盆地勘探前景广阔,最有利的勘探区域是盆地东南部的Urubamba次盆和构造发育的西部褶皱逆冲带。已经发现的油气藏全部是构造油气藏而且多数位于逆冲断层的上盘,对下盘圈闭的勘探很少。勘探潜力包括2个方面:一是要继续寻找构造圈闭,特别要加强对逆冲断裂下降盘的勘探力度;二是要重视隐蔽油气圈闭勘探,特别是要加大二叠系Ene组古潜山圈闭、三叠系—侏罗系Pucara组生物礁圈闭和白垩系岩性(河道砂体)圈闭的勘探。 The Ukayali Basin in Peru is one of the sub-basins of the Andean South Pacific Andean Basin, a hydrocarbon-rich oil and gas resource. With great hydrocarbon potential and low exploration level, the basin has found 12 oil and gas fields with recoverable reserves of about 6 × 108t. According to a large number of geophysical, drilling and experimental analysis data, the basic petroleum geological conditions of source rocks, reservoirs, cap rocks and traps in the Ukayali Basin are systematically analyzed and the favorable areas and potentials for exploration are proposed. Studies have shown that the long-term settlement has received sedimentation since the Ordovician formation in the Ukayali Basin. From the Paleozoic to the Mesozoic, three major source rocks were deposited, that is, the source rocks of the Triassic-Jurassic Pucara Formation, the Permian Ene source rocks and the Carboniferous Ambo Group source rocks, which have high organic matter content , Are in mature stage and transport oil and gas respectively to the northern, central and southern parts of the basin. There are several sets of reservoir-cap assemblages in the basin, with the main reservoirs being Cretaceous Cushabatay and Vivian formations; multiple structures since Late Permian During the tectonic movement since the Late Cretaceous, many types of traps formed. The traps mainly consisted of tectonic traps, such as nappe anticline, fault anticline and fault block formed under the compression background. There were also a large number of strata and rocks Sexual hidden trap. Prospects for basin exploration are vast. The most favorable exploration areas are the Urubamba sub-basin in the southeastern part of the basin and the structurally developed western fold-thrust belt. All the reservoirs that have been discovered are structural reservoirs and are mostly located on the upper plate of the thrust fault with little exploration of the lower trap. Exploration potential includes two aspects: First, we must continue to find structural traps, in particular, to strengthen the exploration thrust plate thrust; second is to pay attention to subtle oil and gas trap exploration, in particular, to increase the Permian Ene ancient Buried hill trap, exploration of Triassic-Jurassic Pucara Formation reef trap and Cretaceous lithologic (channel sand body) traps.
同时,创始人李书福对自己的二次定位是否成功,将是决定吉利能否成功转型的关键。说出来有谁会相信呢?中国汽车业盈利能力最强的公司,不 At the same time, founder Li Shufu
通过家电产品召回电源线的具体案例,分析了标准GB 4706.1-2005,GB 4706.32-2012中对空调电源线的相关规定,并结合标准GB 5023和GB 5013对电源线本身的测量进行讨论,希望通过此次
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