三十年代,鲁迅曾针对上海滩某些无聊文人唯名是务、唯利是图的行径,写过《文摊秘诀十条》,揭露其嘴脸,施之以鞭挞。想不到60年后的今天,浸透了旧思想的沉滓重又浮起。某些弄笔者的所作所为,远远超过他们的先辈,真可谓“冰生于水而寒于水”。笔者以毒攻毒,将这类人的“秘诀”作如下概括: 一、巴结大款。搜索枯肠,挖空心思,为那些腰缠万贯而又愿意“慷慨解囊”的大款们立传,把他们吹捧为“二十世纪的陶朱公”、“经济领域的曹孟德”、“勇于开拓的霍去病”,捞它一大把钱,作为推销自己的“经济基础”。
In the 1930s, Lu Xun once targeted some boring literary people in Shanghai on the mere name-for-money basis and mercenary pictures. He wrote ten tips on the secret of writing stands and exposed his face and whipped it. Think of today 60 years later, soaked in the old thoughts of heavy ups and downs. Some write authors do much more than their predecessors, really can be described as “ice born in water and cold in the water.” The author to attack the poisonous drugs, such people’s “tips” as summarized below: First, bring together big money. Search for heartbroken, hollow-minded, for those wealthy and willing to “generous” generous publicity, touted them as “twentieth Century Tao Zhu Gong”, “economic areas of Cao Mengde”, “courage to develop the Huo disease”, fishing It is a lot of money, as marketing their own “economic base.”