一 日本著名汉学家藤堂明保授教的《汉字及其文化圈》一书于1971年出版于东京的光生馆。在此一书中,他具体地论述了汉字的产生,及其在朝鲜、日本、越南各国民族文字产生过程中的影响。同时,详细地阐述了汉文化圈形成的过程。因而本书不仅对于研究中国文字的学者,而且对于研究中国文化的学者都有重要的参考价值。同的还可供研究日本、朝鲜、越南各国文字文化的学者参考。
A famous Japanese scholar Tengtang Mingbao taught “Chinese characters and their cultural circle,” a book was published in 1971 in Tokyo’s Museum of light. In this book, he elaborates on the production of Chinese characters and their influence on the ethnic writing in North Korea, Japan and Vietnam. At the same time, elaborated the process of the formation of the Han cultural circle. Therefore, this book not only for scholars of Chinese writing, but also for scholars of Chinese culture have an important reference value. The same can also be used for reference to scholars who study Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese languages.