名 人,顾名思义,就是有 一定名望的公众人物 因为身份的特殊,他 们经常生活在街头巷尾谈资的风口 浪尖上。不客气的说,隐私权的丧失 是和他们名声的大小成正比的。所 以,名人基本的生存法则就是必须 掌握和媒体过招的能力。面对媒体 无处不在的怪招,能保持毫发不伤 已非易事,
Celebrities, as the name implies, are public figures with a certain reputation because of their special status. They often live on the cusp of talking and talking in the streets. Frankly, the loss of privacy is proportional to the size of their reputation. Therefore, the basic principle of survival of celebrities is the ability to master and media recruit. Facing the ubiquitous media in the media, it is not easy to maintain a flawless,