遗精是临床常见病之一,以青年人罹患者较多。现将我们近年来治愈的三种不同类型的遗精患者各选一例介绍如下,并谈点粗浅的体会。病例介绍例1 林某,男,22岁,未婚,1975年2月7日就诊。主诉:遗精三载,每隔1~3日一次,甚则一夜两次。俯卧、仰卧多遗,侧卧、踡卧稍好。近两月来咳呛时作,痰中挟血,日晡潮热,面赤颧红,寤不安寐,且多盗汗。脉来虚数,舌红苔净。
Spermatorrhea is one of the common clinical diseases. Young people are more likely to suffer from it. Now we will treat each of the three different types of spermatorrhea patients we have cured in recent years as an example, and talk about the superficial experience. Case Introduction Example 1 Lin, male, 22 years old, unmarried, presented on February 7, 1975. Chief Complaint: There are three sets of spermatorrhea, once every 1-3 days, and even twice a night. Prone, supine, leaving, lying slightly better. In the past two months, when I had coughed, I had blood in my hands, and I had hot flushes in the day. I was flushed with redness, I was restless, and I was sweaty. Pulses are imaginary and red tongues are mossy.