在安庆市第二届戏剧节上,参加演出的黄梅戏共有六台。其中,现代戏占一半,反映了剧作者们已经把反映现实生活作为自己的重任。我认为,这是此次戏剧节的一大特色。 《柳嫂》写的是柳湾村年轻寡妇柳嫂连遭不幸,丈夫死后不久,婆婆又因病亡故,家中只剩下自己与一个尚未成年的弟弟小福。柳嫂暗中爱上了村里的单身汉寿全,但在那艰苦的岁月里,有情人难成眷属,在姑妈的哀求下,柳嫂不得不与小福结为夫妻。从此,柳嫂成了“嫂不嫂来妻不妻”的人物。三中全会以后,农村面貌焕然一新,小福成了养殖专业户,随着经济上的富裕,小福对自己的婚姻越来越不满,这样柳嫂与小福之间的矛盾,被激发得愈加尖锐。一方面是没有爱情的婚姻,一方面是没有婚姻
In the second festival of Anqing, there are six Huangmei operas participating in the performance. Among them, the modern drama accounts for half, reflecting the playwright has to reflect the real life as their own responsibility. I think this is a major feature of the festival. “Willow Wansao” is the young widow willow Liu Wancun Liansuo unlucky, her husband died soon after, the mother-in-law and because of illness and death, leaving only their own home with an underage brother younger brother. Liu Sao secretly fell in love with the bachelor of life in the village, but in that difficult years, there are lovers difficult to get married, in the aunt’s plea, Liu Sao had to become a couple with the baby. Since then, Liu Sao has become a “wife Sao wife not wife” character. After the Third Plenary Session, a new look was made in rural areas. Small blessings became a specialized breeding husband. With economic prosperity, the small blessing became more and more dissatisfied with one’s marriage. As a result, the conflicts between Liu Sao and the blessing were sharpened. On the one hand there is no love of marriage, on the one hand there is no marriage