依安县位于黑龙江省的嫩江平原,全县人口476,459人,划分为十八个人民公社,十七个为农村人民公社。农村供电不经常,根据我县具体情况,于1982年6月11日~9月20日,对全县重点人群开展了查痰发现开放性肺结核病人的工作,现将结果报告如下: 对象与方法一、对象已知结核病病人;结核病密切接触者;结核病可疑者及慢性呼吸道疾病患者为本次查痰的主要对象。共查痰21,733人,其中男6,245人,女15,488
Located in the Nenjiang Plain in Heilongjiang Province, Yi’an County has a population of 476,459 and is divided into 18 communes and 17 communes for rural people. Rural power supply is not often, according to the specific circumstances of our county, June 11, 1982 to September 20, 1982, the county’s key population to carry out sputum detection of open tuberculosis patients work, the results are reported as follows: Objects and methods First, the object known to patients with tuberculosis; close contacts of tuberculosis; suspicious tuberculosis and chronic respiratory disease patients for the main target of this sputum. Total sputum 21,733 people, of whom 6,245 males and 15,488 females