Epigenetic mechanisms involved in the neuroprotective effect of scorpion extract in a Parkinson'

来源 :中医杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bridge
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OBJECTIVE:To investigate whether scorpion ex-tract elicits a neuroprotective effect in 1-meth-yl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine(MPTP)-treat-ed mice models,and the genes associated with the therapeutic effects using RNA sequencing(seq)analysis.METHODS:This study investigated the changes in interaction between messenger ribonucleic acid(mRNA)expression and deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)methylation related to the protective effects of scorpion extracts,in the substantia nigra(SN)region of a MPTP-induced Parkinson's disease(PD)model.RESULTS:In this model,scorpion extracts attenuated the motor impairment as demonstrated by the rotarod and open field tests.Scorpion extracts consistently attenuated the decrease of tyrosine hydroxylase(TH)positive neural cells in the SN and striatum of mice.We profiled genome-wide DNA methylation using Methyl-Seq and measured the transcriptome using RNA-Seq in murine SN in the following groups:vehicle-treated MPTP-induced PD mice and scorpion extract-treated MPTP-induced PD mice.In total,13 479 differentially expressed genes were identified in association with the anti-PD effect of the scorpion extract,mainly in the promoter and coding regions.Among them,47 were negatively correlated down-regulated genes.Nineteen genes out of 47 down-regulated genes were negatively correlated with the expression of the other 28 genes.Among these genes,SGSM1 was related to dopaminergic neu-rons including dopamine transporters,TH,dihy-droxyphenylalanine decarboxylase,and dopamine D2 receptor.CONCLUSION:This study provides insights into the anti-parkinsonian effects of scorpion extract and reveals the epigenetic targets in its therapeutic mechanism.
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为解决规模化养殖场人工识别捡拾死鸡劳动强度大、效率低等问题,以3~7周周龄笼养肉鸡为操作对象,基于欠驱动理论设计3关节4指死鸡捡拾机器人末端执行器。在肉鸡体尺测量、力学特性测量基础上,采用ADAMS建立机械指参数化模型与肉鸡模型,并依据目标函数、设计变量和约束条件开展机械指结构优化,优化结果显示目标函数增大28.6%。针对3周龄与7周龄肉鸡作末端执行器运动仿真抓取试验,结果表明,机械手传动平稳,机械手结构设计合理。利用机械手试验样机,抓取死亡30 min内肉鸡平均成功率为88.3%,死亡30 min以上肉
通过田间小区试验,研究了施用不同用量土壤调理剂(即,750、1 125、1 500、1 875和2 250 kg·hm-2)对红壤区农田槟榔芋产量和重金属含量的影响,以及土壤基本理化性状的变化规律。结果表明:与不施土壤调理剂处理(对照)相比,土壤调理剂不同施用量处理能增加槟榔芋产量6.2%~12.8%,降低As含量28.9%~40.0%、Hg含量28.6%~50.0%,并提高槟榔芋收获后土壤的pH
Social and environmental factors render premature ovarian failure(POF) as a major cause of decline or loss of female fertility. The natural pregnancy rate of patients with POF is only 5%-10%. Follicular atresia is the main factor in the pathogenesis of PO
以黑龙江省黑土区垄作旱田为研究对象,采用中型拖拉机开展压实试验,提出一种农业机械压实后土壤坚实度和含水率试验数据测试创新方法,对科学合理使用农业机械、保持和提升黑土区耕地生产能力具有重要理论和实际意义。设压实1~5次及对照(CK)6种处理,测试时,在压实辙印垂直方向以辙印中点为中心取7个测点(每测点间隔10 cm),测量0~40 cm土层土壤坚实度和0~20 cm土层土壤含水率。结果表明,中型拖拉机压实对压实辙印下方及两侧土壤均产生影响,拖拉机压实后测试截面明显形成土壤坚实度较大影响区域,其影响范围和程度
摘要:开展鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、汉江和淮河四个水系的小龙虾亲本进行培育繁殖试验。结果表明:鄱阳湖水系的亲本抱卵率和平均抱卵量高于其他水系,苗种数量和成活率同样高于其他水系。  关键词:克氏原螯虾;抱卵率;成活率;繁殖  中图分类号:S966.12 文献标识码:B  文章编号:1006-3188(2021)03-012-03  小龙虾学名克氏原螯虾,主要生活在长江流域,每年繁殖1次,分多次孵化。小龙