The Kangding earthquake swarm of November, 2014

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jitic
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There was an earthquake swarm of two major events of MS6.3 and MS5.8 on the Xianshuihe fault in November, 2014. The two major earthquakes are both strike-slip events with aftershock zone along NW direction.We have analyzed the characteristics of this earthquake sequence. The b value and the h value show the significant variations in different periods before and after the MS5.8earthquake. Based on the data of historical earthquakes, we also illustrated the moderate-strong seismic activity on the Xianshuihe fault. The Kangding earthquake swarm manifests the seismic activity on Xianshuihe fault may be in the late seismic active period. The occurrence of the Kangding earthquake may be an adjustment of the strong earthquakes on the Xianshuihe fault. The Coulomb failure stress changes caused by the historical earthquakes were also given in this article. The results indicate that the earthquake swarm was encouraged by the historical earthquakes since1893, especially by the MS7.5 Kangding earthquake in1955. The Coulomb failure stress changes also shows the subsequent MS5.8 earthquake was triggered by the MS6.3earthquake. There was an earthquake swarm of two major events of MS6.3 and MS5.8 on the Xianshuihe fault in November, 2014. The two major earthquakes are both strike-slip events with aftershock zone along NW direction. We have analyzed the characteristics of this earthquake sequence. The b value and the h value show the significant variations in different periods before and after the MS5.8 earthquake. Based on the data of historical earthquakes, we also illustrated the moderate-strong seismic activity on the Xianshuihe fault. The Kangding earthquake The occurrence of the Kangding earthquake may be an adjustment of the strong earthquakes on the Xianshuihe fault. The Coulomb failure stress changes caused by the historical earthquakes were also given in this article. The results indicating that the earthquake swarm was encouraged by the historical earthquakes since1893, especially by the MS7.5 Kangding eart hquake in1955. The Coulomb failure stress stress changes also shows the following MS5.8 earthquake was triggered by the MS6.3earthquake.
引入非视觉摄影,拍照用心不用眼  今年33岁的傅高山出生在福建,现在是北京一家盲人呼叫中心的负责人。高山患有先天性视障,出生时视力不足0.1。在他眼里,世界只是一个模糊的轮廓,没有色彩,没有线条。  因下雨天分不清路和水沟,小时候的他经常摔倒,不愿去上学。因为什么都看不清,老师以为傅高山是智障,劝他退学。为了能够让他上学,母亲差点给校长跪下。  后来凭着惊人的毅力,傅高山考上了一所民办大学,并最终
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