辽宁省的野生山里红资源十分丰富,据文献记载有山楂(别名山里红)(CrataegusPinnatifida.Bge.);辽宁山楂(CrataegusSanguinea Pau.);毛山楂(Crataegusmaximowiczii Schneid.)三个种。多分布于辽宁省的东部及中部山区。目前在山楂生产上大多利用这些野生山里红的种子繁育砧木苗,少量品质较好的用于鲜食和入药。辽宁西部干旱地区的山楂生产起步较晚,野生山里红资源状况尚不清楚。为了深入调查整理辽宁西部地区的野生山里红资源,为发展这一地区的山楂生产创造条件,我们于1985~1986年对彰武县
Liaoning Province is rich in wild mountain red resources, according to the literature documented Hawthorn (alias mountain red) (CrataegusPinnatifida.Bge.); CrataegusSanguinea Pau. Liaoning; Crataegus maximowiczii Schneid. Three species. Multi-distribution in Liaoning Province, the eastern and central mountains. At present, the production of hawthorn mostly uses these wild mountain red seed breeding rootstocks, a small amount of good quality for fresh food and medicine. The production of hawthorn in arid areas of western Liaoning started relatively late. The status of wild mulberry red resources is not clear. In order to further investigate and sort out wild mountain red resources in western Liaoning Province, to create conditions for the development of Hawthorn production in this area,