在谈到今年的宣传思想工作主要任务时,中央领导用“稳”和“热”二字加以概括,提出,上半年要突出一个“稳”字,下半年要突出一个“热”字。全年工作,既要稳妥,又要热烈。稳中有热、稳中有进;热中有稳,热中有序。 这可谓把今年宣传思想工作的主要特点和需要把握的火候十分形象地概括了出来。应该说,处理好这一“稳”一“热”并使之相互结合,相得益彰,我们今年的工作也就胜券在握。
When talking about the main tasks of this year’s propaganda and ideological work, the central leadership summed up the words “steady” and “hot” and proposed that the word “stable” should be highlighted in the first half of the year and the word “hot” should be highlighted in the second half of the year. Work throughout the year, it is necessary to be safe, but also warm. Steady heat, steady progress; heat in a stable, hot and orderly. This is a very vivid summary of the main features of this year’s propaganda and ideological work and the need to grasp it. It should be said that handling this “steady” and “hot” and combining them with each other will bring out the best in each other’s work and we will have a good chance of winning this year’s work.