目的掌握珠江水域广州口岸蝇类的本底情况,为口岸蝇类防控、完善蝇类传播传染病防控机制等工作提供科学依据。方法采用诱蝇笼捕集法调查蝇类的种群结构、密度和季节消长等情况。结果 2011年8月—2012年7月共捕获成蝇23 657只,经分类鉴定,隶属于4科17属33种;其中优势种为大头金蝇(49.23%);蝇类年平均密度为53.52只/笼·d;珠江水域广州口岸总蝇密度无明显高峰期,但黄埔港、河南港、萝岗、新风港4个口岸有不同的高峰期。结论掌握了珠江水域广州口岸蝇类的本底情况,为口岸蝇类防控、蝇类传播传染病防控提供了科学依据。
Objective To grasp the background of flies in Guangzhou port in the Pearl River Basin and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of flies in ports and the prevention and control mechanism of flies transmitted infectious diseases. Methods The fly trap cage method was used to investigate the population structure, density and seasonal fluctuation of flies. Results A total of 23 657 adult fly flies were collected from August 2011 to July 2012, belonging to 33 families of 4 genera and 17 genera. Among them, the dominant species was Drosophila melanogaster (49.23%); the average annual flies averaged 53.52 There was no obvious peak in the density of total flies in the Guangzhou port of the Pearl River. However, the four ports of Huangpu Port, Henan Port, Luogang and Xinkeng Port had different peak periods. Conclusion The background of flies in Guangzhou Port in the Pearl River is grasped, which provides a scientific basis for the prevention and control of flies and the transmission and control of flies.