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本文提出了评价气动凿岩机性能优劣的综合评价指标——目标函数。在总结前人的设计经验数据后,确定了设计时应满足的条件——约束条件。从而,建立了气动凿岩机结构参数优化数学模型。采用复合形法对所加工的两个凿岩机模型进行了结构参数的优化计算。结果表明,优化计算的结果是可信的,优化计算的效果是显著的。 This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation index—objective function—for evaluating the performance of pneumatic rock drills. After summarizing the predecessors’ design experience data, the conditions that should be met in the design—constraint conditions—are determined. Thus, a mathematical model for optimizing the structural parameters of a pneumatic rock drill was established. The complex parameters method was used to optimize the structural parameters of the two rock drill models. The results show that the result of the optimization calculation is credible and the effect of the optimization calculation is significant.
用样本估计总体是统计的基本思想,通过对样本的分析了解总体是统计的基本方法.然而有些同学对统计量的意义理解不透,常会走进误区,现就同学们易错的地方举例说明.  一、对加权平均数的“权”理解不透   例1 一超市备有某种绿色蔬菜100千克,上午按每千克1.2元的价格售出50千克,中午按每千克1元的价格售出30千克,下午按每千克0.8元的价格将剩下的蔬菜全部售完,试求这批蔬菜售出的平均价格是多少?  错