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去年以来,我们苏州电扇总厂在各级领导的关心和支持下,坚持贯彻中央关于加快沿海地区外向型经济发展的战略方针,结合本厂实际,制订了“巩固国内市场,开拓国际市场”的战略目标.经过一年的努力,我厂在“两个市场”中,均取得了新的发展.去年,“长城”电扇的总产销量达280万台,产值逾5亿元,创税利5000多万元,均在全国同行业中占第一位.出口电扇达50多万台(套),创汇780万美元,相当于1987年的3倍,被国务院机电产品出口办公室和对外经济贸易委员会表彰为“机电产品出口先进单位”.我们的主要做法和体会是: Since last year, under the care and support of leaders at all levels, our Suzhou Electric Fan Factory has consistently adhered to the Central Government’s strategic policy of accelerating the development of export-oriented economy in the coastal areas and, in conjunction with the actual conditions of the plant, has formulated “consolidating the domestic market and opening up the international market”. “Strategic goals. After one year’s efforts, our factory has achieved new development in the ”two markets“. Last year, the total production and sales volume of the ”Great Wall“ fan reached 2.8 million units, and the output value exceeded 5 100 million yuan, and tax profits of more than 50 million yuan, all in the same industry in the country. The export of electric fans reached more than 500,000 units (sets), earning foreign exchange of 7.8 million US dollars, equivalent to 3 times of 1987, exported by the State Council electromechanical products The Office and the Foreign Economic and Trade Committee have commended the ”Advanced Unit of Mechanical and Electrical Products Exports". Our main practices and experiences are:
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眼睛恐怕是人体最精密的器官,这个天生的摄像机为你捕获大千世界的精彩。它远比你想像中的奇妙! I am afraid that the eyes are the most precise organs of the human bod
英语中“buy”作为“买”的意思已经被大家所熟知,而当它出现在“buy a pig in apoke”“buy for a song”等的词组中时,你还能立刻说出它的意思吗?下面就来看几个相关的例句
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