第71届国际图联大会及理事会于2005年8 月14-18日在挪威首都奥斯陆举行。浙江图书馆程小澜、冯飞、林祖藻、徐晓军随中国图书进出口公司团组参加了本次大会,并在会议前后参观了北欧四国6个国家、大学和公共图书馆。
The 71st IFLA Congress and Council were held in Oslo, Norway, August 14-18, 2005. Zhejiang Library Cheng Xiaolan, Feng Fei, Lin Zu algae and Xu Xiaojun attended the conference with the delegation of China Book Import and Export Corporation and visited 6 countries, universities and public libraries in the four Nordic countries before and after the conference.