恃倚老汉自从老伴去世以后被女儿接回家中赡养。女儿虽百般尽孝,可老汉还是郁郁寡欢,整日里愁眉不展,健康每况愈下。起初,女儿以为这是丧偶悲哀所致;认为只要老人度过悲哀期,通过自己细心照料和加倍体贴,老人的健康状况会有好转。殊不知,半年过去了,老人还长吁短叹,情绪更加低落、颓丧。 一天,恃倚老汉对女儿说:“孩子,我还想回自己的家。”女儿十分惊愕:“是我对您不好,还是您女婿嫌弃了您?”老人摇摇头。“那么,这也是您的家呀!”老人苦
Rely on the old man since his wife died after being taken back by her daughter at home support. Although the daughter of all sorts of filial piety, but the old man or unhappy, all day long frown, health deteriorating. At first, my daughter thought it was due to her death and sorrow. I think as long as the elderly live a pessimistic life, the health of the elderly can be improved through their careful care and double consideration. As everyone knows, six months later, the elderly also long sigh, mood even more depressed, depressed. One day, I relied on the old man and said to my daughter, “Child, I still want to go back to my own home.” My daughter was very shocked: “Is it bad for you or your son-in-law to abandon you?” The old man shook his head. “Well, this is your home!” The elderly suffer