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社会存在决定社会意识,社会意识又对社会存在起巨大的反作用。这是历史唯物主义的一个基本原理,也是我们观察社会问题的一种最基本的方法。作为长期从事马克思主义哲学教学与研究的教师,王岗峰教授、张玲枣副教授非常娴熟地运用马克思主义这一基本原理,研究中国伦理文化。由海风出版社去年年底出版的《中国伦理文化和社会发展》,就是他们这一研究的成果。该书以中国社会发展变迁为主线,全景式地梳理了以儒家伦理文化为主干的中国传统文化发展的大致脉络,意在探讨中国伦理文化发展的规律。作者概述中国伦理文化怎样随着社会的发展变迁,从春秋战国的百家争鸣到西汉儒术定为一尊,从汉唐的繁荣到明清发展到“以理杀人”的极端地步,最后又怎 Social existence determines social consciousness, and social awareness has a huge negative effect on social existence. This is a basic principle of historical materialism and one of the most basic ways we can observe social issues. As a teacher engaged in teaching and researching Marxist philosophy for a long time, Professor Wang Gangfeng and Zhang Lingzao associate professor very skillfully use the basic principle of Marxism to study Chinese ethical culture. The “Ethical Culture and Social Development in China” published by the Hai Feng Publishing House at the end of last year is the result of their research. The book takes the social development of China as the main line, and has a general view of the general context of the development of traditional Chinese culture based on Confucian ethics and culture. It aims to explore the law of the development of Chinese ethics and culture. The author summarizes how the Chinese ethical culture changes with the development of society. From the contention of a hundred schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn Period to the Western Han Dynasty, Confucianism in the Western Han Dynasty is defined as one. From the prosperity of Han and Tang dynasties to the extreme step of “killing by reason” in the Ming and Qing dynasties, finally