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这是一支有着光辉历史的红军团,无论在土地革命战争时期、抗日战争时期、解放战争时期,还是在抗美援朝战争时期都有着彪炳青史的战绩。特别在抗美援朝第二次战役中,该团一夜行军145华里,与兄弟部队参加了三所里、龙源里阻击战。这次战斗中,我军以1个师的兵力死死卡住美第9军退路,击退了美骑1师和英29旅向北增援接应,使南北敌军相距仅1公里而可望不可及,战斗之激烈和残酷可称解放军历史第一,大受彭老总褒奖。2000年,江泽民主席亲临这支部队,并题词“继承红军传统,永葆革命精神”。这个红军团已经完成了从摩托化向机械化的转化,战斗力初步形成。这里有一个带有传奇色彩的团长,他自称为战争而生,从普通一兵一路走来。他曾自认为不是学习的料,却被老领导硬逼着考上军校;毕业后又由司务长改行任装甲步兵排长,再由一名改行排长改任司令机关参谋,由于业务不熟练,曾给手下的士官打过下手。如今,经过数次深造以及15年的磨练,他终于成长为中国王牌军、红军团的团长。他就是北京军区某集团军轻型装甲步兵团团长黄国贤。萌生采访黄国贤的念头最初始于著名的军旅摄影家秦德禄投给我们的一组照片,照片中我军新型轮式装甲车组成的堂堂战阵撼人心魄。黄国贤团长身高1.80米,黝黑的面庞,说话干脆果断,一说起部队和装备,他就滔滔不绝。 This is a glorious history of the Red Army, both in the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, or during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea have a record of history. Especially during the second battle of the War to Resist U.S.Aid Korea, the regiment marched overnight to 145 Hurri and participated in the three divisions of the Brotherhood in the Longyuan Lane. In this battle, our army with a division of the troops stuck stuck in the 9th Army retreat, repelled the United States riding a 1 division and the British 29 Brigadier North reinforcements, so that the enemy is only 1 km apart and hopeless And, fierce fighting and brutalities can be called the first PLA history, greatly praised by Mr. Peng. In 2000, President Jiang Zemin paid a visit to this unit with the inscription “Inheriting the Red Army’s Tradition and Upholding the Spirit of the Revolution.” The Red Army has completed the transformation from motorization to mechanization, and the initial formation of combat effectiveness. Here is a legendary leader, who claims to have been born for the war, coming from the average soldier. He once thought it was not learning materials, but was forced by the old leadership admitted to the military academy; graduated from the Secretary changed to the rank of armored infantry platoon leader, and then by a reorganization of the platoon leader changed to commander of the organ staff, due to unskilled business, Has given his men under the non-commissioned officers started. Today, after several further studies and 15 years of training, he finally grew to be the ace of China and the leader of the Red Army. He is the head of a group armored infantry corps of the Beijing Military Region Huang Guoxian. The idea of ​​initiating an interview with Huang Guoxian originally started with a group of photos cast by our well-known military photographer Qin Defu, in which our army’s new wheeled armored vehicles formed a stunning battle. Huang Guoxian head height of 1.80 meters, dark face, simply decisive speech, talking about the troops and equipment, he will endless.
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<正> 1942年,毛泽东发表的《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》,作为中国现代文艺发展史上的划时代经典文献,对我国革命文艺的发展产生了极其巨大的推动作用。《讲话》是毛泽东文艺