
来源 :价格与市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gloriayl2005
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价格监测工作是调控物价的中枢神经,是各级政府关注民生的重要耳目,也是最底层广大人民群众心声的直接反映。处在稳价惠民前沿阵地的价格监测工作搞得好不好,事关民生大计、政府形象和整个物价工作大局。近十年来,陕西价格监测工作立足基层实际,不断与时俱进,创新工作方式方法,在价格 Price monitoring is the central nerve regulating prices. It is an important target for people’s governments at all levels to pay attention to people’s livelihood. It is also a direct reflection of the voices of the masses at the lowest level. Price monitoring work at the forefront of stabilizing the price for the benefit of the people is a matter of great concern, which concerns the livelihood of the public, the image of the government and the overall situation of price work. In the past ten years, price monitoring in Shaanxi has been based on grass-roots practice, continuously advancing with the times, innovating its methods of work,