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舍伍德·安德森在《鸡蛋的胜利》创作中突破传统,重视表现形式的多元应用,综合象征、直觉、印象、意识流等多种手法表现艺术的真实。在此,从三个方面予以简单分析,揭示处于美国文学转型期的安德森在小说创作中表现出的独特风格和现代主义艺术特色,虽然《鸡蛋的胜利》不能算作现代主义作品,更大意义上说它还停留在传统之上,但它所反映的艺术风格上的创新具有重要的启蒙意义,影响了后来一批美国作家包括福克纳等现代主义大家。 Sherwood Anderson broke through the tradition in the creation of “The Egg of Victoriousness” and paid attention to the multiple applications of the forms of expression, and manifested the trueness of the arts in a variety of techniques such as symbology, intuition, impression and stream of consciousness. Here, a brief analysis is given from three aspects to reveal the unique style and the modernist artistic features Anderson used in the American literary transition. Although “the victory of the egg” can not be considered as a modernist work, it is even more significant That it still stays on the tradition, but it reflects the artistic style of innovation has important enlightenment significance, affecting a number of later American writers, including Faulkner and other modernist people.
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儿童美术教育历史悠久,从原始社会开始就已经存在,中西方古代的儿童美术教育在教育目标,教育形式和指导思想上既存在差异,又有着共性。… Children’s art education has a